Tobbiko Sushi Rolls

Tobbiko Sushi Rolls 

Flying fish roe, or tobbiko as they are brought in Japan are many times remembered for either within or outside of the sushi roll. These little fish eggs are generally a red tone and give a California roll a crunchy taste. These can be interesting to find on the off chance that you don't have an Asian grocery store in your town. In my plans, I simply sprinkle my back to front rolls with toasted, white sesame seeds. Yummy!

  Maki Sushi Recipe Ingredients

 * avocado
 * 5 cups of sushi rice
 * 4 sheets of nori (toasted kelp)
 * 7 teaspoons toasted seasame seeds
 * 1/2 Japanese cucumber (or English cucumber)
 * 1 1/2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
 * 5 ounces of impersonation crabmeat (I lean toward the "sticks" and not the pieces)
 * 1 1/2 tablespoons of cut scallions Utensils
 * bamboo mat enclosed by plastic
 * sharp blade

  Maki Sushi Recipe Instructions :

1. Blend the mayonnaise and scallions in a bowl.
 2. Cut the cucumber and impersonation crab into matchstick cuts
 3. Slice the avocado down the middle and eliminate the huge seed. Strip and cut.
 4. Place the sparkly side of the nori looking down on the bamboo mat.
 5. Dunk your hands in water and shake them.
 6. Get a wad of sushi rice (around 1 1/4 cup) and press it equitably over the sheet of nori.
 7. Sprinkle on the toasted sesame seeds.
 8. Tenderly get the nori and turn it over so the rice is confronting the plastic.
 9. Uniformly spread out the cucumber, crab and mayonaise on the nori confronting you.
 10. Lift the sushi mat by setting your thumbs under the mat.
 11. Handle the fixings with your remaing fingers to keep all things where they should be.
 12. Present the mat until it contacts the edge of the fixings.
 13. Delicately press and structure the roll utilizing two hands.
 14. Gradually unroll the mat and as you do this take the roll back to the edge of the mat.
 15. Rehash these means until all of the nori vanishes.
 16. Allow your roll to rest for about a moment.
 17. Dampen an extremely sharp blade and cut the back to front roll into two even parts.
 18. Places the parts one next to the other and cut once more. Cut into 4 or 6 pieces.
 19. Serve on an alluring plate with a touch of cured ginger and wasabi.

Tobbiko Sushi Rolls VIDEO